I just got the Legend HZ expressive suite from ExpressiveE.
In Ableton 12.1.1 using Push 3, most of the expressive suite patches from Blur, Horizons & Obsidian banks do not output any sound
- Of the patches that do work, there seems to be no MPE control
- The Legend Factory patches all work fine
- The Legend HZ plugin shows MIDI In data received
- Conversely, the Legend HZ plugin and MPE patches seem to work work fine in Logic 11.0.1
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Legend HZ Expressive Suite Ableton IssueModerators: Christophe, Mark
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Re: Legend HZ Expressive Suite Ableton Issuehttps://imgur.com/xraXD0w
N.B. - Image shows MIDI Monitor receiving MPE information from Push 3 - MPE Controller setting in LegendHZ is ON - Ableton MIDI channel is All
Re: Legend HZ Expressive Suite Ableton IssueIn the example in the image, the patch is set to use Aftertouch for the Volume. In the Mod Matrix section, slot #1 is set to "Const->-100->Mixer Volume", and slot #2 is set to "Aftertouch->+100->Mixer Volume". If you don't want to use Aftertouch, simply set the amount value of the slot #1 to 0.
Re: Legend HZ Expressive Suite Ableton Issue
Thanks for the assistance Marcin. That's interesting and I am now able to extracting a sound out of the patch by adjusting the Mixer Volume amount, however this would be a pain to change for all patches, especially as the patches work out of the box in Logic with Push 3 as an MPE controller. This odd behaviour seems to only happen in Ableton?!
Re: Legend HZ Expressive Suite Ableton Issue
Nope. In all DAWs. That's the characteristics of the patch. For most patches, locking the Amount parameter will work. Right-click (or Opt-Click) on the slot #1 Amount knob and choose the "Lock parameter" option. Then set its value to 0. The parameter lock will prevent the value from changing while the patch is being changed. Please note that the lock in this case is good for browsing the Osmose patches and assuming you don't want to use Aftertouch for the Volume. In general or during browsing the factories, you should not leave the lock on the Mod Matrix Amounts.
Re: Legend HZ Expressive Suite Ableton Issue
Totally understand what you are saying about the patch and thanks for the lock parameters tip, however for me the patches do not work in Ableton connected to a Push 3, while they all work in Logic without having to tweak anything. I have reached out to ExpressiveE to see what they suggest also. Thanks for all your expertise thus far!
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