A chaque démarrage de The Legend HZ version 2.0.2 .0 (Cubase 14Pro/Windows) il ne demande de réactivé la licence
Activation The Legend HZ (Windows)Moderators: Christophe, Mark
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Re: Activation The Legend HZ (Windows)
Hi, Each time I start The Legend HZ version (Cubase 14Pro/Windows) it asks to reactivate the license Yamaha CS-30, Roland SH-1, Roland MKS70, Focusrite Scarlett 18i6, Yamaha FS1R, Oberheim Matrix 1000, Novation Remote 37SL, Korg Legacy, Alesis M1Active 520, Novation Launchpad Pro, Push2, Intel i7-7700HQ
Re: Activation The Legend HZ (Windows)Please run the Authorization tool and make sure the serial number is typed without any extra spaces or Enter at the beginning or end (please avoid copying and pasting to make sure the characters, mostly dashes, are correct).
Then continue with authorization.
Re: Activation The Legend HZ (Windows)Mais quand j'utilise l'outil d'autorisation le numéro de série est juste car il écris ( successful registration ) ?
puis un, deux ou trois jours plus tard il me redemande de l'enregistrer. J'ai désinstaller puis réinstaller la dernière version mais même problème quelque jours plus tard
Re: Activation The Legend HZ (Windows)L'as tu installé en tant qu'administrateur ?
Yamaha CS-30, Roland SH-1, Roland MKS70, Focusrite Scarlett 18i6, Yamaha FS1R, Oberheim Matrix 1000, Novation Remote 37SL, Korg Legacy, Alesis M1Active 520, Novation Launchpad Pro, Push2, Intel i7-7700HQ
Re: Activation The Legend HZ (Windows)Oui j'avais justement j'avait fait l'Install en admin croyant que sa venait de la.
Re: Activation The Legend HZ (Windows)tu l'as acheté sur ?
Yamaha CS-30, Roland SH-1, Roland MKS70, Focusrite Scarlett 18i6, Yamaha FS1R, Oberheim Matrix 1000, Novation Remote 37SL, Korg Legacy, Alesis M1Active 520, Novation Launchpad Pro, Push2, Intel i7-7700HQ
Re: Activation The Legend HZ (Windows)Do you use some registry cleaner software and/or any background service/application which could do that (for example AV software)? It sounds a bit like this if it happens after a few days.
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